Saturday, 14 December 2019

Newsletter: December 14, 2019

Mad Mike
Mad Mike 786
Monthly Newsletter


1. Check my version 2.0 website HERE. Don't forget to visit the shop.

2. My wife is selling my pencil sketches in the art gallery on her website for a dirt cheap $200.00 each.


Winners and losers.

This joke may offend some people. If you are a cat lover or sensitive, forgive me and go to message #2.

Q: What do you call a cat that goes bowling?

A: An Alley Cat!
Child-friendly joke.

Knock! Knock!

Who’s there?


Ho-ho who?

You know, your Santa impression could use a little work!
Child-friendly joke.

Q: What does an Italian do with his Christmas lights?

A: He puts them up in his restaurant 365 day a year!
I f you really don't like my jokes, head over to one of the pink blocks and look for UNSUBSCRIBE. It is your choice if you don't want to laugh.

These three jokes with compliments from Readers Digest. I have to give them credit for some better jokes... AGAIN.

BTW, I am no Italian, but I got my Christmas lights up 365 days a year too...

Rhodesian greetings and lots of laughs until next month

Duck Grobbelaar
Mad Mike, The Rhodesian