Remember the 60s? Good old days, hey? Wish many a day I was back there every time I hear those old songs. I played in a band. I was a drummer and had a good time. Except for the time we recorded a 15 minute drum solo. It took the whole day and I played with a broken wrist from a parachute accident in the army... Needless to say, my wrist was out of action for several days afterwards...

Anyways, this article is about old songs with a twist that would let you break out laughing...

Here is a list of songs with a laughing twist:
  1. On Top of Old Smokey (remake): On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed. It roll off the table and onto the floor. And then my poor meatball roll out of the door...
  2. My Old Man is a Dustman (remake): My old man is a Dutchman! (Dutchman is an old nickname for either someone from the Netherlands or someone from South Africa.)
  3. Old army song: They say in the army the food is so divine. A egg fell from the table and killed a friend of mine! They say in the army the shoes are so divine. You ask for number six and you get number nine! They say in the army the girls are so divine. You ask for Sophia Loren and they give you Frankenstein!
Will add some more when I get my memories back in line!

Have a good laugh!

Until next time!

Mad Mike, the Rhodesian